Seeding at ideal soil temperatures is always the best practice. Although crops can germinate at lower temperatures, soil temperatures of 10ºC are considered ideal for most crops to maximize germination and uniformed emergence. Unfortunately, waiting for ideal soil temperatures is not a luxury that we can afford here in Canada. Almost every season we are forced into the fields earlier and earlier and we are forced to seed into less-than-ideal soil temperatures.
Seeding into cold soils is one of the first stresses we can put on our crop, this can lead to seedling dormancy, while also allowing the seed to become more vulnerable to soil pathogens, diseases, and pests. Poor germination and non-uniformed emergence from cold soil seeding can also lead to staging issues for in-season pesticide and herbicide applications.
At the same time, research has also shown that early season seeding can lead to increased yield by avoiding pest and diseases at their peak and to avoid flowering during the hottest temperatures in the season.
But how can we wait for ideal soil temperatures and seed early at the same time?
While Stoller doesn’t have a solution to warm up your soil temperatures, we do have a solution to protect your seed when you are forced into cold soils.
Through years of research, both in the lab and in the field, Stoller’s Bio-Forge Advanced – Seed Treatment has proven to be an invaluable tool for promoting germination and uniformed emergence when seeding into cold soils.
See the results below for using Bio-Forge Advanced Seed Treatment on Canola, Wheat, Lentils, & More.



Other Crops:

For more information about Bio-Forge Advanced – Seed Treatment contact your local Stoller Territory Manager.