Frost Damage


It is important to keep in mind what frost is actually doing to the plant itself. A freezing event is actually a dehydration event. When temperatures decline, ice crystals can form in the water between the plant cells. This leads to a decrease in turgor pressure and proper vascular functioning. The plant begins to dry itself out and ceases to respire as it normally would. It is also important to understand that certain bacteria can play an active role in the formation of ice crystals within the plant.


Post Frost Treatment

Aid in recovery with Stoller’s Bio-Forge® Advanced.

Bio-Forge® Advanced combines three modes of action for an unmatched level of abiotic crop stress management. Helping your crop recover from frost damage quicker, allowing the plant to get back to growing. Minimize stress, maximize yield. 

For the best results, use Bio-Forge® Advanced immediately after frost damage occurs. For more heavily damaged crops increase the application rate. Bio-Forge® Advanced is compatible with most industry herbicide, fungicides, and insecticides. For more information about Bio-Forge® Advanced Click Here.


