Under drought conditions, roots no longer have adequate amounts of auxin and cytokinin to conduct normal cell division. The root system is affected in much the same manner when temperatures are too hot or cold. In flooded conditions the soil is deprived of oxygen and the roots can no longer breathe. They become dysfunctional or die. Since it is impossible to repair old, damaged roots, new root tips must emerge from the buds that are in the crown. This process requires sufficient amounts of cytokinin (plant growth hormone).

Typically, soil conditions provide enough nutrients to maintain plant health even when roots are affected by stress conditions. What looks like an apparent nutrient deficiency is generally caused by the roots’ inability to generate new root tips to absorb these nutrients. This lack of cell division in the root tips is a result of a hormone imbalance caused by insufficient auxin and cytokinin. Because most nutrients are absorbed by new root tip tissue (the root hairs), it is just as important for a plant to maintain a healthy hormone balance to keep continuous root tip growth as it is for the plant to have nutrients available in the soil. Without adequate root growth, the plant will not be able to absorb sufficient nutrients, even with very fertile soil or high soil analysis conditions.

Manage your hormone balance within the plant with Stoller’s Fortified Stimulate® Yield Enhancer a combination of four plant growth hormones, including cytokinin and auxin. Available for use as a seed treatment, in-furrow, and foliar to manage hormone balance at all stages of development. Click here for more information.