X-Cyte™ – Your Heat Blast Solution

Contains: Cytokinin



When temperatures rise in your crop, the growth hormone cytokinin begins to degrade within your plants, often resulting in flower abortion and pod loss. Stoller’s X-Cyte™ is a foliar application of cytokinin designed to restore the hormone balance within your crop and safeguard your yield during the hot summer months.


Cytokinin – 0.04%


What It Does

• Prevents flower abortion and pod loss during times of heat

• Prolongs flowering

• Enhances overall crop resilience


Use Stoller’s X-Cyte™ in tank with your fungicide application, or as a standalone application, to correct the hormone balance within the plant during times of heat blast.

NO NEED TO MAKE AN EXTRA PASS: Stoller’s X-Cyte™ is compatible with most industry herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. When used as a stand-alone application, a tank surfactant is recommended.


What is Heat Blast…?

Heat blast on crops refers to the damaging effects of prolonged exposure to excessively high temperatures. This stress condition can cause scorched leaves, along with reduced flowering and pollination. In canola, heat stress (a.k.a heat blast/pod blast) can lead to pod drop and flower abortion. With the continuation of extremely hot summers and severe heat events, it has become a pressing concern for agriculture. Growers must employ new strategies to mitigate the detrimental impact of heat stress and safeguard crop yields and quality.

Download X-Cyte Tech Sheet


Timing & Rates


Broadacre Crop Rates:
CropHerbicide Timing - Increase Stem StrengthFungicide Timing - Protection from "Heat Blast"
Canola500 ml/ac
Cereals500 ml/ac500 ml/ac
Corn500 ml/ac500 ml/ac
Lentils500 ml/ac
Peas500 ml/ac


Horticulture Crop Rates
BlueberriesApply at 80% fallen petals. Repeat 20 days after.500 ml/ac
StrawberriesApply at 80% fallen petals. Repeat 20 days after.500 ml/ac
RaspberriesApply at 80% fallen petals. Repeat 20 days after.500 ml/ac
CabbageDuring Vegetative Development500 ml/ac
Melon2 applications during fruitication500 ml/ac
Squash2 applications during fruitication500 ml/ac
Industrial TomatoesFlowering/Fruit Set500 ml/ac
PotatoDuring times of "Heat Blast"500 ml/ac
LettuceDuring Vegetative Growth500 ml/ac

Product Label

X-Cyte Label


Material Safety Datasheets X-Cyte

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