Tank-Mix with X-Cyte™ and Harvest More™ Urea Mate

Get more bushels and maximize each pass over your field by tank-mixing X-Cyte™ and Harvest More™ Urea Mate with your fungicide application.

Applying X-Cyte™ with your fungicide can help to increase grain density and kernel weight, while decreasing pod and flower abortion.

As a source of cytokinin, X-Cyte™  fights yield loss caused by decreased cytokinin production that can affect canola during the warmer months. Cytokinin production starts to break down at 28°C F in row crops, causing kernel abortion, tip-back, and decreased yields. X-Cyte™ combats this yield loss by supplying the crop with the cytokinin it needs to maintain proper hormone balance.

X-Cyte™ is the market-leader in consistency and performance, limiting yield loss due to cytokinin deficiency. It is an CFIA-registered plant growth regulator and yield stimulant.

Harvest More™ Urea Mate is the most complete fertilizer on the market with 11 key nutrients for optimal growth throughout the season. This product also has a low pH that makes it ideal for tank-mixing. Recent data shows many in-season fungicide applications perform better in an acidic pH environment.

Contact your local Stoller Territory Manager to learn more.

