Cytokinin is the dispatcher hormone that signals the hormone events controlling cell division and differentiation:

• Cytokinin is primarily produced in root tip.

• Cytokinin movement upward in the plant stimulates shoot formation and branching.

• Cytokinin acts to reduce senescence (aging) of the plant and has been known as the “Fountain of Youth” hormone. The lack of cytokinin allows ABA (stress hormone) levels to build higher in the plant.

• The synthesis or addition of cytokinin reduces the level of ABA in the plant enabling it to maintain its youthful vigour.

• Since nitrate nitrogen is absorbed by the roots to synthesize cytokinin, a certain amount of nitrogen can be replaced by directly applying cytokinin with hormone co-factors.

• Cytokinin is reduced during times of “heat blast” or heat stress. This will lead to pod, kernel, and/or fruit abortion and reduced yields.

X-Cyte JugManage your cytokinin levels by adding Stoller’s X-Cyte™ to your next foliar pass. Use X-Cyte™ early in-season, with your herbicide, to improve stem strength or increase branching. Use later in-season, with your fungicide, to prevent the effects of heat blast and prolong flowering. For more information click here.