Sugar Mover

8% B, 0.004% Mo



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Sugar Mover strengthens the source-to-sink relationship inside the plant and manages the flow of sugars from the leaves to the fruit, to significantly improve Brix, color and fruit quality. Sugar Mover increases the sugar, starch and protein contents of the harvested portions of the plant.


Boron (B) 8.0%

Molybdenum (Mo) 0.004%

Contains Growth Enhancing Co-Factors

What It Does

  • Increases the rate of sugar transport from source leaves to flowers, fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, seed pods and root storage tissue.
  • Formulated with boron and molybdenum
  • Helps the plant to better manage nitrate nitrogen
  • Increases sugar movement for quality harvestable seed

What That Means

  • Significantly increases the amount of sugar available for uniform fruit and seed development
  • Improves overall seed quality for improved yield
  • Provides available forms of boron and molybdenum
  • Mixes well with herbicides, fungicides and insecticides and can be included into existing spray programs


  • Tank mix compatible with most fungicides and other plant protectants

Timing & Rates


Broadacre Crop Rates:
CropFungicide Timing
Canola500 ml/ac
Cereals500 ml/ac


Horticulture Crop Rates
AsparagusBefore winter1L/ac
Blueberries40 & 25 days before harvest1L/ac
Strawberries40 & 25 days before harvest1L/ac
Saskatoon Berries40 & 25 days before harvest1L/ac
RaspberriesApply at 80% pedal fall followed by once a month1L/ac
Carrots120, 130, & 150 days post plant1L/ac
CucumberControl excessive vegetative growth1L/ac
Melon40 & 25 days before harvest1L/ac
Onion30 & 15 days before harvest1L/ac
Red BeetsRoot Thickening1L/ac
Sugar Beets30 & 15 days before harvest1L/ac
Industrial Tomatoes30 days before harvest1L/ac
Green House Tomato30 days before harvest1L/ac
PotatoTuber Bulking (x2 apps, 10 - 14 days between each app)1L/ac


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Product Label

Sugar Mover Label


Material Safety Datasheets Sugar Mover

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